Internal Linking
If you take the SEO of your site seriously, you probably already know that internal linking is an essential factor in the ranking of the pages on your site. Internal links help Google find and index the pages on your site. If used strategically, internal links can increase the page authority of the important pages. It’s crucial for your site’s SEO to set up an effective internal linking strategy. Unfortunately, it can be easier said than done!
Which Pages Are Linking to a Specific Page?
If you have a WordPress site, you might be wondering “How can I find out which pages are linking to a specific page?”. This is an important question, but there is no standard feature in WordPress that can help you answer this question.
One solution is to go over all posts and pages of your site one by one and make a list of all internal links to the target post. This is a time-consuming process especially if there are lots of pages and posts on your site. Fortunately, there’s a much better way that lets you search all posts on your WordPress site and find all internal links to your chosen post in just one click!
Link Profile Plugin
I developed the Link Profile plugin to make the process of finding internal links on WordPress websites quick and effortless. In order to use the plugin, you should first download it:
After downloading the plugin, install and activate it on your WordPress website. After activation, the plugin will add a new admin menu called Link Profile in the WordPress dashboard. After clicking on it, you’ll see an input field like the image below, that lets you select one of the posts or pages on your site.

Select one of the posts or pages and click “Show the links”. The plugin then will search all posts and pages on your site and will find all internal links to your selected post. The result will be similar to this:

As you can see in the screenshot, the plugin will tell you how many internal links are linking to the post that you chose, and also it’ll show a complete list of all those internal links. On each row of the list, you can see the post type (page or post) of the post that includes the internal link, the title of the post, the number of internal links from that post to your chosen post, and last but not least, the anchor text used for the internal links. If you click on any of the post titles, you can go to that post.
Find All Outgoing Links from a Post
Below the incoming links table, you’ll find the information about the outgoing links from the chosen post. In this section, you can see how many outgoing links exist on your chosen post. In the table, you can see more information about the outgoing links. It shows whether the link is an internal or external link and also the URL and the anchor text of the links.

That’s how to find all internal incoming links to a post on WordPress. If you’re interested in checking the code of the plugin, you can find the repo on GitHub. If you have any feedback about the plugin, I’d love to hear them. Please get in touch.